ATM withdrawals left bank in no position to detect financial abuse

Financial abuse of the elderly,
Between December 2022 and August 2023, $76,000 was withdrawn from Jacques’ account at ATMs. Jacques died, and his daughter Rhianna, the administrator of the estate, said her father had been the victim of financial abuse. She said an individual she knew had wrongfully withdrawn the money, and the bank had failed to take steps to prevent it. Rhianna said her father was vulnerable as a result of a cognitive impairment. She said the transactions were out of character with previous use of his accounts. Rhianna said she told the bank about the financial abuse at the start of August 2023, but it failed to take steps to protect Jacques’ money. As, a result, he was left in financial hardship towards the end of his life. Rhianna also said the bank's complaint-handling process was poor, and it had taken seven months to respond to her complaint.
March 2025

Our investigation

Before August 2023, the bank had no reason to suspect Jacques was suffering from cognitive impairment. The transactions, having all been carried out at ATMs, offered no opportunity for staff to interact with him and thus detect signs of incapacity or undue influence.  

Banks are not required to routinely review customers’ accounts for changes in banking habits. Nor are they required to question a transaction unless there are grounds for suspicion. In Jacques’ case, there were no such grounds. The few visits he made in person to branches during this time raised no possibility of financial abuse. From 1 August 2023, however, the bank knew about his vulnerability to financial abuse and ought to have taken steps to ensure it did not continue. We found the bank was required to compensate for losses incurred from this date onwards – a total of $700.  


The bank offered Rhianna $700, along with $400 for inconvenience suffered as a result of complaint-handling delays. Rhianna accepted the offer.

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