These summarise real-life cases we’ve investigated. You’ll find stories similar to your own situation. Read them to help sort out your own problem, or to get an idea of how we might handle your complaint.
September 2024
In mid-2021, Minerva and Horatio asked the bank for a $170,000 loan to build a pool and modular unit…
Juniper and her brother were signatories on their elderly mother's account. The account mandate said…
Astrid had joint accounts with her partner. In late 2022, their relationship deteriorated to the poi…
August 2024
Wren had several fixed interest rate loans whose terms expired at different times, the last being in…
Galen took out a bank loan to buy a property in January 2022. When, in June 2023, the bank announced…
Arlo told the bank he had decided to sell one of two properties the bank held as security for his lo…
Erin and her husband took out a joint loan with their bank in 2018. During the next four years, they…
In December 2021, Jean had to arrange the payment of $5 million in inheritance from an estate to her…
In 2007, Elora and her husband took out a joint loan to buy their home. In May 2021, her husband was…