These summarise real-life cases we’ve investigated. You’ll find stories similar to your own situation. Read them to help sort out your own problem, or to get an idea of how we might handle your complaint.
December 2018
Simon deposited $700,000 in an interest-bearing transaction account. He wanted ready access to the m…
Gordon said his bank had wrongly declined his insurance claim for critical care benefit after a stro…
November 2018
A scammer called Gobind on his landline and tricked him into granting access to his internet banking…
Lindsay considered the information available through his bank about his Visa credit card account was…
Pierce, the owner of a building company, received an invoice from one of his sub-contractors, which …
Morgan bought concert tickets online with her credit card through Viagogo, but said she was not made…
Colleen’s business was placed in liquidation by the Inland Revenue Department, although she understo…
August 2018
Aaron joined a gym and gave his credit card details, so a direct debit could be made each fortnight.…
April 2018
Kate and her husband Kevin received funds from the Earthquake Commission while in the middle of sepa…