Our investigation
We could find no record of the paperwork Penelope said she completed in January. However, the bank accepted that Penelope had probably visited a branch to express her concerns because staff had accessed and reviewed her aunt's transactions on the day Penelope said she made the visit. The bank’s records showed at that time that Penelope’s aunt had not made any payments to the person living with her in recent months. The bank subsequently gave us recordings of conversations with Penelope’s aunt two years earlier about transactions to the person who subsequently ended up living with her. The calls made clear Penelope’s aunt was making the transactions willingly, and there was nothing to suggest doubts about her mental capacity. And despite the concerns raised by Penelope in January, the bank had no reason, in our view, to look into the payments to the person living with her aunt, or to suspect her mental capacity. Furthermore, the bank’s review of her aunt’saccounts at the time revealed no transactions of concern.
Penelope accepted the bank's revised offer.
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